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GEPF is 110.1% funded

Clarity on increased tax deductions on pension payments

2 min read

04 October 2022

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) has noted the concern raised by some pensioners with respect to a reduction in their pension this month.

As required by the Income Tax Act, the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) implemented a directive from the South African Revenue Service (SARS) that provided for a revised rate of tax to be deducted from pensioners’ monthly pension payment.

Prior to implementing the revised rate of tax, the GPAA wrote to all affected pensioners using the contact details that GPAA has, informing them of the choices they have. Some pensioners might have not received the correspondence or did not fully understand the choices/options they had.

The impact on the tax paid by pensioners is as a result of changes to the revised tax rate (PAYE) as notified by SARS. It is important to note that this only applies to pensioners who receive more than one source of taxable income in addition to their GEPF pension, that is the income sources as reflected on the SARS tax system.

The GEPF reiterates that pensioners have the option to opt out of the revised tax rate provided by SARS and revert to the normal PAYE rate applicable to their pension.

It is important to note that this choice will result in the GEPF continuing to deduct tax as in previous months and NOT in the more accurate effective tax rate as provided by SARS. This may result in pensioners having to settle a tax debt with SARS at the end of the tax year. Choice forms will be sent to affected pensioners and will also be available at GEPF offices.

For further information please contact the GEPF Contact Centre on 0800 117 669.


Issued by the Government Employees Pension Fund.
Media Enquiries:
Mack Lewele: 082 450 5076 or Rakgwatha Mokou: 081 814 0030

Tax DeductionsDownload
GEPF Open Letter – TaxDownload

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Breach Notification


The GEPF experienced a security breach and the compromise of personal information held on the GPAA systems and records between February and March 2024. Data subjects were notified of the security breach and potential compromise of personal information on 20 March 2024.

The GPAA immediately shut down all its systems and initiated its Cyber Incident and Response Plan to mitigate the damage at the time of the security compromise. As a result, the compromise of personal information was isolated and curtailed. The GPAA initiated an investigation into the cause and extent of the security breach and committed to providing updates/outcomes of the investigation as soon as practically possible.

Although the investigation is still ongoing, the assessment recently revealed a compromise of personal information of a number of data subjects. The extent of the compromise of personal information is still being investigated and will be communicated on the conclusion of the investigation.

The GPAA has put various additional control measures in place to strengthen the security safeguards on its systems since the incident. The GPAA is working with security agencies to strengthen control measures and avoid future reoccurrences.

The GEPF and GPAA recognises the importance of safeguarding personal information and is working actively to prevent any recurrence of security compromises on the GEPF and GPAA systems.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and assure you that every reasonable step has been taken to ensure that all GPAA systems and platforms are safe and protected from unauthorised and unlawful access.

The security compromise was reported to the relevant authorities, entities and regulators for further investigations, support and transparency.

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