Pension Increase

Information about the increase according to GEP law or pension increase policy:

  • According to the GEP Law, the Fund’s stated aim is to grant annual pension increases on 1 April each year equal to:
  • At least 75% of the year-on-year increase on the Consumer Price Index to the previous 30 November; plus
  • Any additional amount, after the increase above, necessary to maintain the purchasing power of at least 75% of the pension at retirement.
  • Where the pensioner has retired after the previous 1 April, the pensioner will receive only a pro-rated increase.
  • It must be noted that an increase above what is provided for in GEP Law is granted at the discretion of the Board of Trustees and is subject to affordability

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Breach Notification


The GEPF experienced a security breach and the compromise of personal information held on the GPAA systems and records between February and March 2024. Data subjects were notified of the security breach and potential compromise of personal information on 20 March 2024.

The GPAA immediately shut down all its systems and initiated its Cyber Incident and Response Plan to mitigate the damage at the time of the security compromise. As a result, the compromise of personal information was isolated and curtailed. The GPAA initiated an investigation into the cause and extent of the security breach and committed to providing updates/outcomes of the investigation as soon as practically possible.

Although the investigation is still ongoing, the assessment recently revealed a compromise of personal information of a number of data subjects. The extent of the compromise of personal information is still being investigated and will be communicated on the conclusion of the investigation.

The GPAA has put various additional control measures in place to strengthen the security safeguards on its systems since the incident. The GPAA is working with security agencies to strengthen control measures and avoid future reoccurrences.

The GEPF and GPAA recognises the importance of safeguarding personal information and is working actively to prevent any recurrence of security compromises on the GEPF and GPAA systems.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and assure you that every reasonable step has been taken to ensure that all GPAA systems and platforms are safe and protected from unauthorised and unlawful access.

The security compromise was reported to the relevant authorities, entities and regulators for further investigations, support and transparency.

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