The GEPF is a leader in responsible investment in South Africa and has been a founding signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2006.
As such, we take environmental, social and governance issues into account when making investment decisions. We also encourage the companies we invest in to implement sustainable practices, and to actively manage their environmental and social impacts while maintaining high levels of corporate governance standards.
We are committed to helping to build a better society and to play our part in making this happen. Some of the highlights of our efforts to do this include:
Through our asset manager, the PIC, the GEPF is engaging listed and unlisted companies on a range of issues, with the aim of improving their sustainability. For example, encouraging investee companies to implement better transformation and diversity practices across different levels in the organisation through engagement.
The GEPF, through its asset manager, invests in retail, corporate, industrial, specialised and residential properties across South Africa.
The Isibaya Fund invests in high impact areas for socio-economic development that bring financial returns and social dividends to the country. The areas of investment include black economic empowerment, renewable energy, healthcare, education and other infrastructure development projects that help to create jobs, relieve poverty and transform the economy.